
What is this?

Hola, Amigos. I know it’s been a long time since I rapped at ya, but things have been pretty fucked up...”

Oh shit, spinoff time!

Lol they look like sweet little trouble starters!

Choke the Raven nevermore.

...the current stadium is only TK YEARS OLD

He looks more like a Kyle to me.

Since the 1970s, and moreso now than ever before, Dan Rather is the most important journalist in America. He is the voice we need.

Watching the video above, you have to cut Bortles some slack....

Fucking everything, eh?

Keep Austin? Weird.

This is a lot better than his cousin Sebastian’s trailer, which is harder to see because the police impounded it.

He was telling Chase Utley to get into the box:

Usually when you see this many jacked dongs, there’s cream and/or clear nearby.

It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot

They finally came across some drafts they can handle.

Wrong Said Fred.

frozen hash browns that “may be contaminated with extraneous golf ball materials.”