
If you’re not eating something because you don’t like it, then you’re absolutely not who she’s getting at in this article. Chill out, she wasn’t getting a dig at you.

That’s fine and dandy that you just don’t like sugar, (though I don’t think she’s being quite so literal with the cake thing), but I feel obligated to say that what the bathroom scale says is no indication of whether or not a person has an eating disorder. (I’m not saying that you do, of course, but that in general

Times like these, we all gather around to remember the profound words of Chumbawamba:

After reading that Deen did a lot of his assaults in front of people, I was wondering if something like this would happen. What Deen did was wrong but why was he allowed to continue without people stepping in to stopping him?

Yeah, he has “dead eyes.”

Just watched it for the second time a couple of nights ago. And that dancing scene gives me a woody. He totally becomes different characters—almost unrecognizable if you don’t know who he is. I did a little Oscar binge: A Most Violent Year, Two Faces of January, Ex Machina, Inside Llewyn Davis. Even in the not-so-good

If you haven’t seen Ex-Machina you should. Even if you don’t like sci-fi he’s amazing in it.

I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Dicks one time, but it was the ‘80s and things were weird back then.

OK, embarrassed to say this, but I find him totes hot. I had a sad wank session when he was written off the show.

Much like The Rolling Stone piece, I continue to be frustrated by how a widespread problem can only be talked about on a case-by-case basis by the obtuse. People get so into picking apart the individual instances that they can’t see the forest for the trees. It’s exactly what’s happening with the undue use of police

Good on the Frisky, and excellently worded court of public opinion not court of law.

I think people, particularly in America, remember her for ripping the photo of the Pope on Saturday Night Live but don’t remember what for.

I feel terrible for Sinead. I grew up in Ireland and watched her go from a really strong, talented young woman who always had to guts to talk to power and took responsibility for way more than it was really her job to carry, to someone who just seemed to feel constantly harassed and lost in life, and with good reason.

Love Sinead forever but when someone has that many children who won’t speak to them... it tells me that she has put them through an awful lot. I hope she gets the help she needs but this is certainly not their fault.

This is a shit storm of awful and a distressing read but only a small section of what she wrote. She blames her whole family, friend base and children for wanting to kill herself. She’s clearly been unwell and struggles with mental health and has done for quite a while. I hope she gets help that works for her and she

He’s right. This act of terrorism was committed especially for them. On their behalf.

If radical Islam preachers are investigated I think they should investigate these assholes too. Yes, I also know that isn't going to happen.

Actually, it’s especially terrible for the people who work there, women who rely on PP for medical care of any kind, the people of Colorado who had this nut job running around. But how exactly is it terrible for those in the “pro-life” movement?

The people who made those videos that are clearly false, should also be brought up on charges. Yeah I know they won’t.