Sorry to sound like a troll, I’m not. Let’s just find a common ground on the assertion that Romeo + Juliet is a strong film which stands in contrast to those that followed.
Sorry to sound like a troll, I’m not. Let’s just find a common ground on the assertion that Romeo + Juliet is a strong film which stands in contrast to those that followed.
You’re right mate!!!
I love you Khloe but your dad is OJ
You gave us Iggy Azalea
Especially considering that the vehicle of this statement is the “NO___ PARKING”/”___ PARKING ONLY” signs so ubiquitous in chain restaurants and souvenir shops.
He’s so jealous
Oh, it benefits white women plenty!
Why is it a scam? It smells and feels so good
RT if Jessica Alba looks like Olivia Pope
She's cooler than Kim Gordon
Don't be ashamed. She rules
I adore her. Thank you for this, Kate Dries. My story is that I was raised on Martha Stewart via my grandmother... first TV, then the magazine. My grandmother happens to have been a Martha Stewart type (attractive older woman, twice-divorced, with the fine tastes of ambitious people from modest means) so I totally…
but what if it's Humpty Dumpty. Would you help him then???? #pro-life
My little stick figure bb
That's got to be it! I love it!!
Deenah wins
I was horrified by Smokey the Bear because of this phenomenon
I'm scared of them. Once, I looked in my backyard at night and there was a troupe of raccoons in my yard. One of them saw me watching, stood up, and started masturbating, all while locking eyes with me. Yes, I was intimidated.
Dr Phil is scum
I would love to sing this at karaoke. You guys are haters.