
So my husband has a green card, though he is not from any of the banned countries. He is supposed to fly home on Wednesday because his father is dying of bladder cancer and this is likely the last time he will be able to see him alive. Currently he is worried that while he is out of the country, the rules will

It’s not that she isn’t smiling, it’s that the smiles are so fake and forced and as soon as she’s done with acting happy around Trumpa Loopa she goes right back to looking like a kidnapping victim

I also don’t like the narrative that if a woman isn’t smiling all the time, she must be unhappy/bitchy/whatever. Weren’t we just defending Hillary from this nonsense?

Or maybe she really believes the right-wing crazy talk (she’s from Slovenia and most of what she knows of US politics is filtered through her husband!), and she’s ALSO being treated badly. He doesn’t have to literally be holding her prisoner in order for her to do the talk show circuits and spout conspiracy theory.

She needs to put on her big girl panties and realize than no one in the history of abusive relationships has a better opportunity to escape her abuser. Get Katie Holmes in there to advise her.

I agree. I’m sorry she chose to marry this man. I feel sorry for Barron because he didn’t choose his parents. That’s it.

Yes! I can feel sorry for her and still think she is not that great of a person.

Melania Trump certainly seems wicked bad, to the point that I wonder if part her public performances are Donald exerting some sort of control over her. That said, I think that the “sympathy” she’s getting is mostly about mocking Donald’s obvious disdain for everyone who is not himself.

Just his pissy little ego trying to spite obama, making a spectacle of “undoing his work” as if it doesn’t affect millions of lives.

A lot of these vile men would assault and rape their wives; then claim it is neither as they are property to them. This shit is repulsive. Having this colostomy bag in power needs to challenged legally and continuously, until he is formally impeached and imprisoned for treason against he US Constitution and his life

I’m not advocating for abstinence, but I do wonder how all these men would feel if their wives and girlfriends began taking the whole “abstinence is the best method of prevention” advice to heart and started a No-Sex Protest against them until they changed their minds.

I was literally yelling at my TV.

If I had at least $4 million to spend on my wedding, I would do something additional with my hair...

“I want a reliable luxury car. I really like the Maserati and the Alfa.”

Oh my sweet summer child.

Get a last-model-year LS400 for 1/10th of your budget and put the rest in a mayonnaise jar.