
It's the same shit as in the US so, both. I live in Scandinavia and belong to Facebook groups for international moms most of whom are from other European countries, and they have the exact same debates within that group that I see in American groups. 


Yes! This is what I tell people all the time. My husband is a specializing neurologist who sometimes takes extra shifts in psych and everyone he deals with is violent, and the country where we live many of the most violent people have neo-Nazi leanings and my husband is a brown man. Somehow he and the team of nurses

Because you live in a culture where productivity = human value. It is not this way here in Scandinavia and people frequently do things like take stress leave and then their jobs work hard to reintegrate them when they come back. There are a lot of other problems here, but this isn't one of them. America has a way of

Yeah for real. Sneaking out to protest on your lunch break without letting your boss know is definitely not "how we win" it is a symbolic gesture. Which is fine, maybe the boss is an asshole and you would get fired and you can't afford to, but let's be realistic. 

Yes it has been confirmed by the original reporting. The money trail is there, has been seen by the media, and is not in doubt.

Yeah as the mother of a child with epilepsy, I have to agree.

You should only have kids if you really want them because parenting is very hard. That said, you are not going to regret having them. I don’t know anyone who really regrets having their kids. It doesn’t mean you will necessarily be happier with kids, but they will give a particular kind of meaning to your life that

Yeah, it’s the children that age you. Especially if you have them in your 30's. You can’t just snap back from the pregnancy and the breastfeeding and the sleep deprivation. I got pregnant at 34 feeling like a sexy taut young thing and woke up nearing 40 with 15 extra lbs and wrinkles and some grey hairs and pain in my

Yeach after living in Denmark with my husband who is fluent but not native in English, I have picked up some strange speech habits. This is just what happens when you live in a different culture. It changes you. Shouldn’t be surprising and it isn't an affectation.

I live in DK and am married to a Muslim refugee who came at 10 years old. Many things wrong with what you write here but the glaring one would be describing 2nd and third generation Muslim immigrants as ‘reluctant to integrate into their host culture.’ First of all, ‘host culture’? Really? These are people who were

I have a 4.5 year old daughter that I love with all my heart and I am very glad I have her. I very much wanted her, and still, she bulldozed my life. You have to want a baby enough to be ok with the fact that they are going to bulldoze your life. You have to be prepared, depending on your child’s health, temperament,

No, she is saying she loves him. He is one her best friends, like family to her. Should he also be denied love? Like, I’m fine with him never having any semblance of a career again, but is he no longer a human being who is allowed to be loved by his friend? Is it just that you want her to no longer care about him, or

What is with the black and white bullshit here? Isn’t it possible that this was a child who grew up being bullied and also a child who grew up in a violent patriarchal culture with parents who owned guns and all of those things together made the toxic stew that cooked this kid? He was not born an irredeemable murderer.

I’ll tell you what I told Irish. I know both Michelle and Tanya personally. They are lefty badasses and there is no way they are being used as pawns to help a Republican. It’s not actually fishy. As the article explains, none of the 4 women knew about the other women at first. Once they learned he was doing this to a

I know both Michelle and Tanya. They are super lefty badasses and trust me when I tell you they are in no way being used as pawns in some scheme to help a Republican. It actually is a coincidence and your nose is way off.

There is no such thing as free healthcare and it is counterproductive to call it that. I live in Denmark and my husband is a doctor here. We pay 50-60% tax and still have to pay out of pocket for prescriptions and dental care and various other things. I do think it is a better system, but it is NOT FREE! It is very

That is horrible and I’m sorry that happened to you. I went to one of the STD clinics in NYC to get tested for stuff and the tests included a pelvic exam. I was a very attractive 23 year old at this point. I had a young male doctor who examined me and then said that there was some discoloration on my labia and he

The tough part there is that our (and the us here is anti-racist white women) white friends and relatives who voted for Trump love white supremacy more than they love us. White supremacy poisons white relationships too. So I know tons of white women having those convos and usually at best they get ignored or belittled

Eh, I don’t know. I got pregnant easily with my first and then had two difficult miscarriages and a failed round of IVF before giving up on the idea of a second. I am not offended by these jokes any more than I am offended by people, say, having abortions. Which is to say I am not offended at all. I usually am all