Cochese: 4k120fps

It sure budged around here. It went from $3.69 a gallon up to $3.99 a gallon (or for me, since my car takes premium, $4.29 up to $4.59)

Same, I didn’t even know there was a second and third video. But yeah, I agree. The first one feels perfect, polished, and well executed. The girl is perfect from facial expressions to wardrobe. The second and third videos feel too... rough. Bad acting, obvious lip syncing 

They probably don’t need to make 30 different spin off games.
I like expanding the franchise beyond the mainline games, but there’s a point where they’re just kind of whatever

It would have been great if they actually showed some gameplay

Watching that live was wild. X wasn’t really taking the debate seriously as he literally never tried to make a point in good faith. It was aggravating to watch as his main retort boiled down “yeah but” and “no u” 

Now playing

A meme song dropped that caught everyone by surprise and is low-key becoming the song of the summer, overtaking everything

It was a song made by a comedian parodying 1999/2000 eurodance songs with very high production values. Specifically lampooning how ridiculous the vocals often are.
The initial song/ video went

I swear Gizmodo editors/ writers really love to talk about stuff, but never link a god damn thing to clue you in it’s a constant in these articles

Another pointless feature for an increasingly pointless website

Nah, this kind of thing isn’t copyrightable. Sony would be in the wrong to claim as much unless they were actually copying the name. Otherwise, you’d have a whole lot of racing games getting Copyright claimed out of existence. 

I honestly loved Sega GT when it came out. I was coming hot off the heels of GT 2 and needed something new. I had gotten a Dreamcast shortly after launch and Sega GT filled that itch. I wasn’t looking for the GT2, I was just looking for similar fun and man, this game really packed in the fun.
At the time, I didn’t

Considering I’ve seen plenty of people online saying something about how the vaccine was targeted to kill republicans specifically, I’m sure this will blow up the conspiracy crowd 

Man, I really did not like Kaz. He had the charisma of a brick, his comment on taking gaming out of the “gaming ghetto” in reference to the DS and talking about how they could put their logo on a brick and it would sell, really pushed me away from Sony as a company. 

Makes sense to see Turbo take the #1 spot. As a kid, everyone I knew with Street Fighter had the Turbo version. I thought it was just that version

I’d rather pay a one time fee than a monthly setting. Unless that one time monthly is to pay off that one time fee

They really pulled off the Art Deco vibes so damn well in this. Big O is really Japan’s Batman: TAS, stylistically 

“sir, there’s not enough Nazis on Threads, we need to see how you’re limiting them.” 

Plain English please? Speaker? Blue hair? What? Troll?

The FTC’s argument hinged literally on CoD. They could have come at it from so many other angles, but they landed on CoD and stayed there. And after months of arguing, it failed twice in the US and almost everywhere else.

Insofar as the Matix, what are you even

As much as I’m generally against large scale mergers like this and on principle, they shouldn’t happen. I am glad this one is nearing it’s end. The FTC’s argument was just bad and in terms of competition, they hinged the whole thing on CoD. It’s such a bad argument.

The people who see that it’s black and blue are usually very aware of what colors it appears. At least, amongst the few people I’ve talked to. But there’s a lot of color information there that should make you realize the actual colors of it

Damn, I knew it was coming sooner than later, but he’ll be missed