Cochese: 4k120fps

Considering the game sold incredibly well just on the single player, they’re not going to miss out on those dollars.
The only reason people were pissed about DLC is because they said it would come. But only one game in the series ever even had DLC and that was GTA IV.
This game will have just as much a single player

While I hope this doesn’t impact development and release dates, I also don’t feel particularly bad after their attack on the mod community. 

Damn, this is not surprising, but sad news. It seems like this should have been something that should not have been expected to make money for at least two years.
I’m sure there’s a lot of behind the scenes stuff in corporate that isn’t known, but from what’s out there, this feels like another loss to a bean counter

As a person who’s played upres’d version of GoldenEye for a while, I can tell you that going back to the OG is painful.

Microsoft will likely have the better version just due to controller supremacy. The rest will be up to the community.
My biggest hope is that this gets ported to the PC. Though, TBH, there’s already

I mean, he was big in the 90's and thus his point of reference goes back at least that far. I am not surprised by this turn of events. 

I hadn’t heard of it before, I don’t care if I’d have never heard of it, but I am fully amused by it.

In regards to the laptop, it doesn’t help that so far, they’ve uncovered nothing new. And I think it always pisses them off when they “report” on some scandal they think they found, they push it hard for a few days until someone points out that Hunter literally wrote about it in his book and already had pictures

Bold move by Sony.
When I first saw that Microsoft made a statement, I was almost expecting kind of a corporate troll like move and dropping the price by $25 (even if a temporary “sale”).

Because the world is larger than the US

It’s so crazy how this “mod” has a better, more thought out trailer than most big budget games. I swore off Rockstar years ago, but like, this makes me want to download GTAV and jump back in 

The prototype was available for purchase in the last year. Whether or not it could ever do those numbers, it was restricted from the get go, so no turbos. 

This is basically the GT90 of Europe. I’d love both 

This just reinforces my belief that Dodge has the worst looking grill. 

You can all post what you want, but the only answer is the GT90

What are the watch times/ engagement for a video vs. an article?
Are these videos getting huge views that we don’t see? 

Yeah, that day night cycle was kind of annoying because I think I got it in the winter, so by the time I got out of school, it was pretty much dark. So I played the game a lot at night. The night vibes in the game though, felt amazing to me at the time. It did a lot to pull me into the world.
While my parents were

Exactly. Games made by the dev. It’d be like picking up a Switch to play a 3rd party game. Nobody’s doing that. You get Nintendo hardware for Nintendo franchises. 3rd party is a bonus feature. 

The last mainline game that I thought the exploration was particularly fun was Gold/ Silver. The day night cycle that was tied with day of the week in which people and pokes would be only available kindof sucked, but was also key to the vibe of the games. And then being able to hit up a whole other region? I really

I don’t know if “essential game” is a real category or not, but this is just a stupid argument.
Any game that sells well, in that regard, could be considered “essential” by their sloppy argument here.
This is a distraction argument.
People don’t by a PS5 to specifically play COD no more than they get an Xbox for that

Regardless of the effort of this article, the fact that it’s not a slideshow is an improvement