
And, more importantly, they change their plays based on their own players strengths. Garoppolo and Brisset ran different offenses than Brady. Because their coaches aren’t idiots.

Colin Kaepernick doesn’t have a job because he won’t stand.

I’ve already seen this fight. They made a movie about it. It’s called The Great White Hype.

Seems rather aggressive...A*G*G*R*E*S*S*I*V*E!!!

I think it looks more like a puma.

That’s good news for Kevon Looney. Only Kerr and Klay and another K were going to be invited anyway.

It’s reportedly due to alcoholic cardiomyopathy, which, considering we’re talking about the guy who “spent more money on spilled liquor” than people made, makes sense. Hopefully he treats health issues and death like he did with Sting; sucker them in and then turn on them.

Seriously, take this guy instead. He can’t even WOO

God can take me instead.

Man, Chicago Bears football is everywhere!

Kitty was real excited until he saw the actual size of the Cardinals.

This is a shame. I really liked D.C.

McCain 3:16 says you can’t whip enough votes!

Approximately like this.

He’s not the player the Cavs’ want...but he may be the one they knee’d.