
ridicules, unbelievable. MK has mountains to climb in getting into the mainstream and fighting game community and this is the shit WB pulls on us.

Elmo is the bomb.

I gotta say, I'm a bit disappointed with these announcements. Title animations do absolutely nothing for me, Give me a peek at the gameplay. Uncharted 3 did show something and that was pretty ill, Uncharted is a great series. BTW i just got a ps3 and have 1 friend on psn. Kinda lonely compared to my 360 friends.

Trains good planes bad...whoo whoo.

Complex gets some of the best photographers but holy mother of god, have you guys read any of the articles in that mag? it's pure garbage.

So Dope So Dope. Playing in B&W for sure.

@kqkq: Battery issue? wow hold on a sec, I just updated my 3g with jailbrake 4.2 and my battery does not last at all. I thought maybe my battery is done but your saying it could the update..damn

O man, I was already considering RB3 but this is a Def plus.

@Aikage the Skilled Cleric: More like work and play. I make money working and would love to play on my work station as well.

I really want to love chrome but I fall back in love with safari. Does anyone know any plugin that looks and feels like top site for safari? I know about speed dial but it's so sub pair compared to top site.

The sound design sounds amazing..

@Rabinowitz: 14? man, go to every video production house in your

@TheCrudMan: They would never get rid of Final cut. We can still

wow. why not

Catch them all son..

Triton headsets, are pretty awesome. I have a par of 5.1's. worth every penny

@DrunkRaba: Without a question, The 360 has the worst D pad in history but think about what type of games use a D pad. Fighters and Classic arcade games. These games aren't considered the cream of the crop these days. Shooters, sports and 3d platforms are not playable with a D pad and besides who plays a fighter

My Question to you sony is, way on gods earth do you still consider the D pad the central method of control in the year 2010.

how rude!