
Totilo, you guys have the worst video player in the history of the internet, man sorry.

Can they release a patch to make the whole game better? what disappointment this purchase was, someone get Shane on the line.

I heard about this and quite frankly I believe it's going to fail. CNET has some great news stories from time to time but they jump on anything MS does. Molly Wood # 1 Apple hater, so she's all over this, she's such a tool.

Pixelmator is actually really great to use. I use it to create glow affects and textures. Poster below created with Pixelmator and Photoshop.

Can someone please tell MS to lower the price of the 120HD, I can't purchase anymore XBLA games due to the fact.

Some really nice games are showing up on the app store. Within the last 3 months or so I picked up games like karmastar, basseball 09 and peggle, pretty dope.

So much apple hate, damn. I remember when MS entered the console market, same hate. Mac's are awesome. we use mac's ;P

about time

Sony got some tips from Apple when it comes to keynotes.

Wow, ok now were talking.

@shanrulez: that has to be a joke right, right

fast forward button..

uncharted so far was the highlight, Mag, well we need to see more of it and the psp needs a price drop. Sony just show us God of war for the save..

Media go, Mac client as well??

@TRT-X: I think it's the whole killzone 2 thing..not sure.

Show us something we didn't know about...Mag ok ok yes, uncharted ok ok yes...what's in the bag sony

They need a price cut, make it happen Sony.