Totilo, you guys have the worst video player in the history of the internet, man sorry.
Totilo, you guys have the worst video player in the history of the internet, man sorry.
Can they release a patch to make the whole game better? what disappointment this purchase was, someone get Shane on the line.
@Hey_Blinkon: Word
I heard about this and quite frankly I believe it's going to fail. CNET has some great news stories from time to time but they jump on anything MS does. Molly Wood # 1 Apple hater, so she's all over this, she's such a tool.
Can someone please tell MS to lower the price of the 120HD, I can't purchase anymore XBLA games due to the fact.
Some really nice games are showing up on the app store. Within the last 3 months or so I picked up games like karmastar, basseball 09 and peggle, pretty dope.
So much apple hate, damn. I remember when MS entered the console market, same hate. Mac's are awesome. we use mac's ;P
about time
Sony got some tips from Apple when it comes to keynotes.
@Orionsaint: seems so, but who knows.
Wow, ok now were talking.
@shanrulez: that has to be a joke right, right
fast forward button..
uncharted so far was the highlight, Mag, well we need to see more of it and the psp needs a price drop. Sony just show us God of war for the save..
Media go, Mac client as well??
@Jim Wade: agreed
@TRT-X: I think it's the whole killzone 2 thing..not sure.
Show us something we didn't know about...Mag ok ok yes, uncharted ok ok yes...what's in the bag sony
They need a price cut, make it happen Sony.