Race for LeCure

I’ve been to downtown Cleveland. If owning that is Gilbert’s sole ambition, he’s even more fucked up than I thought.

literally nobody has any clue what you are talking about. Your computer should have a Breathalyzer on it

I wish more people would realize that shouting “The system is broken” and “Fuck those people because of their race” isn’t going to solve the problems, discussion and coming up with sensible ideas will.

Wow, lots of hate for the real ICE here. Still don’t understand why people get upset at people enforcing the law instead of getting upset at the people who made the (usually) voluntary decision to break it.

Man, our generation is the worst. When our parents encountered a new phrase, they’d learn what it meant and use it accordingly. The millennial m.o. is apparently to just change the meaning of new words to whatever you feel like they should convey.

As a libertarian, I have lots of friends on the left and on the right. I’m here to tell you that the conservatives don’t hate gays or think felons should be ass raped or that minorities are subhuman. They just don’t. That’s just what you have to think so you don’t feel horrible for hating humans who simply have a

You are nothing but a troll. One of the problems of politics is the generalization of individuals tied to party politics. Because I am a conservative does not mean I am a bigot, racist, or hateful. Don’t blame your rage on the people that disagree with you.

Yes it’s the conservatives that are hateful. Thats why they keep taking up arms and shooting democrat politicians right?

There is a very clear response of one part distract, one part ignore, and a dash of whataboutism.

The Giffords shooting is brought up here. Let’s recall that Bernie Sanders, whose volunteer was the shooter at the ball field, was quick to describe the Giffords mass shooting as brought on by right wing extremism. But, of course left wing extremism had absolutely no role in this latest attack, correct? What I read

was apparently a Bernie Sanders supporter.

“A heightened sense of ethics” if you ignore Harris paying fines for cheating at campaign finance, being legal but extremely unethical and threatening to use her AG power to harass and muzzle people with legitimate complaints. Her career was launched in her 20's as arm candy for a married man; Willie Brown. She is a

No. He’s going to be deported because he doesn’t have a legal right to be here.

1) who cares that she’s part-black

She is good in that “Everyone gets a trophy” kinda way..

Wow how one day easily handling a joke like Sessions can wash away the epic disaster from the week before. I don’t think very many people tuned in to the pre Comey hearing, where she was first gaveled, but she was shamelessly the Left wing Tom Cotton that day and whatever she did with Sessions doesn’t make up for what

That idiot Kamala couldn’t even pass the bar.

She wouldn’t shut the fuck up. At some point she HAD to be interrupted.

Don’t want to be deported? Don’t break the laws to enter the country illegally.

I know, let’s just open the borders and let everybody in. We can issue citizenship papers to everybody, well, why bother with that? If you’re on US soil then you’re a citizen. And we can make multi-lingual fluency mandatory so as to not discomfit any of our new citizens by expecting them to learn American English.