Shame Donnie never managed anything as honest as running a brothel.
Shame Donnie never managed anything as honest as running a brothel.
Secure your future now. Find a new old rich* dude.
Bootstraps? Let him steal his own money just like dad and his forefathers. If the breathless bigots of the far right propaganda machine are to be believed, all Barron has to do is change his pronouns and run rampant in the WNBA for a fast paycheck. Idiots.
You can be anti Bill Willingham and anti “Big Mean Corporation™”.
Given Willingham’s terrible views that he slathered onto his comics, this has created a hilarious situation:
Thank God someone thought of the children and made all these fairy tale characters public domain. What a hero. Now we’re finally free to use Snow White and the Big Bad Wolf as characters in our own works.
Wasn’t that Once Upon a Time?
Since the article weirdly doesn’t mention anything about it: Willingham is a woman-hating far right asshole who was a huge industry insider for the Comicgate people, and Fables includes stuff like Snow White being forcibly impregnated by the Big Bad Wolf when they’re both drugged, who then refuses to let her have an…
Haaaaa. I know of real human men who have escaped to Florida to avoid paying child support in other states. Suffice it to say I don’t think Desantis has any intention of following through with this nonsense. ….Unless it’s to increase the for-profit prison census. I forgot to follow the money in my critical analysis of…
So, are they planning to back date support? Because, a little hard to do a paternity test on a fetus.
And how will this be enforced? I am 47 - and my deadbeat dad STILL owes my mother back child support.
If 18 years of child support isn’t enough to scare men, I don’t think 18 years and 9 months will be any more effective.
Seriously. It’s ok to get over something that was offensive but harmless and not pretend to still be outraged 15 years later.
I completely understand the outrage at Harry wearing that Nazi get up to a costume party, but I will forgive it in part because he was young, drinking a lot and made a very bad choice. I remember years ago a good friend’s son and nephew did the same thing, they were probably middle school and high school age, and the…
Nowadays, software is getting sophisticated enough to make everyone say anything they want more and more seamlessly by the day even without audio clips saying the exact words.
Yeah, when you need 34 pages of a 95-page ruling to explain why the plaintiffs have legal standing to sue in the first place, they have no standing and your ruling is horseshit.
I genuinely think that Thomas would happily ban interracial marriage, and just not make it retroactive. Or even make it retroactive, except for one lucky couple, to be chosen at random using The Clarence Thomas Patented Randomizer Machine.
Something about this just doesn’t sit right with me. I mean, when have affluent white Christians ever been known to exploit people they think are lesser than them for the sake of their own egos and financial gain?
A judge in
That’s nice. But it’s hard not to think that if the Montana Supreme Court doesn’t overturn it, SCOTUS will. I can see a Clarence Thomas penned opinion...“The words ‘clean and healthful’ do not appear anywhere in The Constitution and sorry this ruling is so short but I’m late for my free private jet ride to Australia.”