
I switched to Insta for that reason and don’t wholly regret it. The thing Insta has going for it is more of an ability to curate your feed than the other apps and the ability to turn off commenting. Unfortunately, with their recent Reel push and algorithm shenanigans it’s not going to be long before it’s also a hole.

Agreed. But that answer feels like they asked him an overly specific question in an attempt to get a click-bait answer. I’m not putting too much stock in it.

Cognitive dissonance is a thing.

Oof, I feel you. It’s so hard seeing the next generation being indoctrinated into the things you escaped.
I’ve seen the power of a seed and I’m sure you (and your cousin) are making an impact on those kids. It’s amazing how one little thing (that they seemed to ignore at the time) can show them the whole world over

It’s important to understand that these people are 100% sincere. It’s so easy to write them off as batsh*t (because they are) but this is what conservatives teach their children. They grow up believing, wholeheartedly and without irony, that abortion is the murder of a baby. Knowing what we’re up against is the only

Wil will definitely show up.

Also, if you need something that you can just shove up there before intercourse without the other person knowing, grab some VCF from any drugstore.

I don’t like going after people’s looks but . . . yeah. I have a hard core conservative cousin that’s my age that has been mistaken for my mother.

I started a while back differentiating my “out of office” time and my “off grid” time. 10/10 would recommend.
Alternatively, I had a colleague who used to go to “the cabin” a lot for vacation. As the story goes, it only has a landline and is only for emergencies (we were in an office where there were rare

Yeah, there is no way this is not going to be addressed.

Yeah, it’s bad and makes the site nearly unreadable on mobile.

This is well written. It’s so hard to balance acknowledging when a corporation does something objectively good while also being clear that 1. they could be doing a lot more and 2. they should not have to do it at all.

I was wondering this too. Super interesting. 

Many years ago I absolutely Could Not find an apartment I could afford in NYC that would allow my (super mellow, 10yo) Doberman. I found a broker that was familiar with the 3-month law that set me up with a place with a notoriously absent landlord. I didn’t try to hide my dog and actually went out of my way to be sure

It would not supports me at all if it is indeed our NATO allies, that are more likely to receive direct attack first, that are telling our state department to chill out for a bit.

Came here to say this. The Barbie show is surprisingly not bad and at times even hilariously self aware. It’s the only thing that makes me think the movie may not be 100% DOA.

I had real low expectations for this movie and it looks like he was getting ready to limbo under them.

Yes, she does

I mean, we all scoot bedtime up in the winter because it gets dark earlier and they can’t tell time right?