


It’s not like he has may other options

In an attempt to cut back on caffeine I had tea instead of coffee this morning. I lasted exactly 3 hours before getting a latte. viva la coffee

It depends if this hall is an egress route or not.

Jupiter Ascending was a bonkers movie and if you watched it for anything other than the CGI (or a paycheck) you are insane. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed the CGI and Eddie’s ridiculous chewing of the scenery.

He seems like the kind of guy that would have had a full scan, voice recording, and signed over rights so they can CGI him into every movie for the next 100 years.

Her temple is awesome and architecturally significant. Worth a google

My biggest peeve with this whole service is the no R-rated content. I’m going to have to have this and Netflix. Still cheaper than cable.

Yesterday went really well for a lot of progressives but I’m having a hard time enjoying the victories when the losses look like this.

NY is not nearly as blue as people think. This is a questionable move.

If Molinaro wins, it’s your fault ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My kid loves the “Big Yoda and Pony” movie and is SO impressed I know the words to the “fun dance song”. Don’t ruin this for me.

Ugh. If Disney pulls off everything they are rumoring for their new service I'm going to have to reevaluate my streaming budget. 

I will not give you a star because you are obviously wrong, but here’s some kudos 👏👏👏

Well played

TBH I would rather 70M with zero strings attached than 300M and have to deal with the taxes

I was in the same boat for a while but it wasn’t too bad when i finally went for it. Every kid is different but i just told mine that we would nurse at bedtime and not before. There was only a day or two of protests. She’ll still ask occasionally and I just say “not until bedtime” and she’ll go back to what she was

Should probabily mention she really only nurses for comfort (which is pretty common in toddlers) 

Yes, she is actually a really great eater so far as three year olds go! After about 1 year they are getting the vast majority (if not all) of their nutrients from solid food whether they nurse or not. She drinks cows milk (and juice and water) during the day

We do talk about about it. She understands that it’s not a forever thing but she likes it and it’s comforting for her for now.
That said, you should keep your nose out of your sister’s business. It may seem like harmless, silly banter to you but the decision to nurse or not is between the mother and child and with all