Can you come visit my house?
I completely agree that, while not necessarily commendable, Remis’ character is admirable for his honestly.
Over the last season the animation should slowly degrade and the screen format shrink until the last scene is the original pageant scene.
Funny thing about “safety and comfort”. I was offered Percocet many times immediately after giving birth (even after repeatedly refusing it), my blood pressure wasn’t checked once.
2018 in one GIF
I’m a half block from this nonsense and I'm a little worried
Being able to catch a baby being ready for twins that may well need a c-section and a NICU are two very different things. It sounds like they knew the twins would need a NICU in which case it would be safer (the plethora of details we don’t know not withstanding) keeping the babies in the womb until they could get…
This female architect supports your recommendations 100%
It is a word and IMHO yes it is. I’m sure the lawyers will quibble about it indefinitely though.
I am in
Thank you for googling for me (no snark meant) at least it’s not dead!
That would be excellent. I’m holding out hope that a streaming service will throw money at it (and take advantage of the lack of censorship)
I’m still peeved about Almost Human. That was good TV and they has so much left to explore
That reminds me, what ever happened to the Judge Dredd TV show they were trying to get Urban to do?
fair point
Other articles make it more clear that this resolution was targeted at stopping formula companies from misinforming parents, mostly in developing countries, that formula is better than or equal to breastfeeding.
bureaucrats ruining things as usual