Again, not the hill to die on before an election. The electorate hates PC stuff. Run on the issues.
Again, not the hill to die on before an election. The electorate hates PC stuff. Run on the issues.
Well now people are talking about whether that is really racist or not or just a turn of phrase and the PC police and liberals and who really supports free speech and antifa.
Eh, I am certainly no fan of the Republican candidate, but I have a hard time imagining this was intentional.
Toobin is a dishonest fucking moron. I don’t know anyone who equates Antifa with anything other than pasty white internet tough guys. It’s shameful he would even try to turn this into a race issue.
Unless the person in question is convicted of a crime, they have a right to earn a living. This society allowed all the bankers who crashed the economy off Scott free—in addition to the CIA torturers and major war criminals like Bush, Cheney, Obama, McCain and Hillary. As long as they are still walking around free, I…
You see there are many people including myself who could care less what he did, and are ready to hear the jokes again.
I fail to see how locking someone and assaulting her until she passes out in the 2000 is the same as jacking off in front of someone in the early 90's (they call them noughties for a reason) is the same. Why didn’t those persons just get up and leave or smacked him the head? Especially when one denies it, and the…
Imagine being Louis CK. How many men really care about what he did, I know I don’t. If having another 5 years of Louis CK’s humor required me to have to sit in front of him while he jerks off, please tell me where I sign.
He only needs the permission of the audience, and it appears they gave him a standing ovation.
He has apologized for his behavior and has since lots untold sums of money being in the shadows. I no longer care about the mastorbatory sanctimony of the internet mob. If he wants to do shows, and if people want to go to them, so be it. If nobody shows up to his shows, so be it.
There is nothing Louis CK can do to satisfy everyone. I would argue most people here would find fault with anything he does.
I just wish there was some sort of blueprint for how this plays out.
If memory is indeed long, then meeting past violence with present violence won’t stop anything. Nobody on earth has ever been conquered and thought, “Yeah, we deserved that.”
“Shit shit shit we are in major league trouble! Quick! Play the Racism+ Card as a distraction!”
This is racism. Their overt rudeness was about your Blackness and them undervaluing the whole community. You’re not overreacting. You’re not paranoid. They’re used to doing this to people too thirsty to care.
I mean the dude could have just farted and thought it funny or there could have been 84 other reasons for the look, at least half of which probably had nothing to do with you.
Maybe that guy shouldn’t have been such a belligerent idiotic asshole who tried to use his baby as a shield.
You’re right to an extent, but MeToo isn’t just the accusers and victims who have given voice to their abuse and it isn’t just the accused and abusers. It’s the internet mob and the coverage they eventually birthed in mainstream publications. What this does for that group is demand that “victims” not go unvetted as…