Im a lefty white dude who works with about 200 blue collar white guys in one of the whitest places in the US...I have asked everyone I can find (not all 200) if they were offended by her halftime show and not a one said they were. Racism is very real...racism over Beyonce isnt. Lets all go fight real racism now.
Yes they are. Don't be a retard.
If it strikes fear into your white heart... I don’t know what to tell you.
Most white people have no opinion about this song. Of the white people who do have an opinion, most are listening to, requesting, and/or purchasing the song. Don’t believe Gawker that there is some sort of organized race riot... the story here is invented for clicks.
Now if we can only get those 500 women from Cologne to recant.
And Jezebel is entirely complicit. One of the only false rape accusations they’ve covered, and they blame it on Islamophobia. Right.
Well this is interesting. One of the few false rape cases that Jezebel has ever reported on, and it’s one that hardly anyone has heard of and has to do with “Islamophobia.” Dat progressive stack, doe.
Having a black man play MJ at the end of his (tragically) short life would just be ridiculous. Whether it was by condition or choice the man was whiter that I am for years before his death. Obviously a white guy playing a young MJ would be outrageous but really this is just nonsense .
We also don’t have any indication that the shooter wasn’t a diehard Sanders fan and that tension in the relationship had slowly but surely built up because of the Victims professed interest in Clinton and constant questioning of Sanders electability when it came to the general.
If that were the primary issue, why wasn’t the headline, “Cops and Austin Paper Misuse Pronouns” and why was the lede buried?
I would be quite surprised if a police report did not use a victims legal name.