When do I begin my first of 32 payments for the Tron Legacy 3-D Helmet? Because, I just can't stand all that image ghosting off those cheap plastic 3-d glasses they give you in the theaters.
When do I begin my first of 32 payments for the Tron Legacy 3-D Helmet? Because, I just can't stand all that image ghosting off those cheap plastic 3-d glasses they give you in the theaters.
4chan as a source... hmmmmm. I would rather believe the imdb posting of Hardy as Bullock.
@Sabithomega: Very nice.
Well, this was more fun than trading cotton shirts for food.
That Zelda costume is fantastic!
I would have loved to hear the little kid say in a clip "Dead or alive, you are coming with me." Epic cuteness for Halloween.
Hail, to the king baby!
@Gothamite88: Brilliant. No love for The MM? CJA???
@atdaysend: Hahaha! Nice.... ah good times.
@BlueBeard: Have to recognize a great Blacula slayer such as Jefferson Twilight!
After seeing those leaked photos, I am feeling a little better about the Captain America movie.
My favorite panel - the dead monkey lying on the rug.
@OutlawDominus: Brilliant.
Okay a curve ball of sorts - Nolan goes for a female Robin. Skips Grayson, Todd and Drake.
I would have preferred Riddler over Killer Croc.
Will not be Catwoman. More Selena Kyle.
I'm sorry, Baywatch Nights was Sci-Fi? I suppose anything with DHoff would be pretty much science fiction...
@MakinBacon: I smell tons of Stargate merchandising... if it had survived more than a pilot episode. Am i right?
Hell has frozen over???
No remake. I heart the original. No one will ever replace Tim Curry as Dr Frank N Furter.