CmdrHunt - Agent of Time Corps

He was also behind the A-Team.

@syrdax: hahaha. That's exactly why! Finally, ennough about Transformers.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Absolutely. I'm stuck in the shitty reality where we lost the personal jet packs, the flying car and self lacing sneakers.

Not quite the same oomph as Sharktopus. I don't even like spiders.

@Andy Neil: Probably drowned out by the roar of all those Civil Rights/Anti-war Hippies.

Guyver 2, is this the one with Mark Hamil?

White Commanche. Classic Shatner. And a Scottsman as a Mohican. That is some kinda wrong un-pc sh*t right there.

She's going to need a bigger flamethrower.

@tande04: Ah, thanks for pointing that out. I was so excited I miss the part about him not directing. My mistake. I stand corrected.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: You passed out. I thought I was having another psychotic episode. Summer has that affect on people.

@Razoky: And a gorgeous brunette. I'm thinking of Miranda from ME 2.

@sollipse: I am smitten with Amy Pond.

So, that's Chris Evans as Steve Rogers...

Well, at least it wasn't one of the fatter Blade cosplayers. Ummm, correction on my part, they are not cosplaying. Vampires are real.

Ed Norton is a great actor. Enjoyed his performance as Banner in Hulk.

I read that as "Japanese Star Wars prints offer more testacles". And I nodded in agreement.