CmdrHunt - Agent of Time Corps

And Walter Bishop ftw once again.

@PlaidNinja: JCVD burned Hollywood and they haven't forgiven him.

Another Fast & Furious movie? Jane Austin adaptation? If that was the case, then I would see that.

I will watch this. Just too much promising content, i have high expectations.

Dr. Richards is not mad enough. Far surpasses genius. Just not mad enough I say.

@WookieLifeDay: I would agree however I have the strongest feeling that Summer Glau would still beat The Doctor... in a poll.

@Aloysius J B Cruz: I know... why him? Also, SMAP is still around, they just kicked off their International Tour.

Thank the gods of reason that the Cowboy Bebop movie is dead... well, the Keanu version. However, there is always balance in the Universe. So, in turn there will be a RE6.

Too many awesome television choices this week. Must not have mental breakdown...

@WookieLifeDay: Hahahaha! That was a classic Simpson's moment.

@crashedpc /sarcasm: Roleplay? No way, that Super Soldier Armor I am saving for the Zombie apocalypse!

I want the Asgaard Puppet. It would look great in the bathroom next to the toilet and the Gauguin.

I loved this movie as a kid in the 80's. Now that I'm older and I watch it again, kind of makes me sad.

@WookieLifeDay: I nominate you as this month's Champion of The Ninjas... for io9.

Yep. The Giant Roo looks like it's dancing.

I blame Michael Bay and Transformers for starting the idea that great cartoons are better because it is set on Earth.

@evildead1971: Don't fret, I didn't receive mine as well... I did get my Werewolf badge and Creature badge. Good times camping near that creepy forest by the lake.

@cadrina: I was a Boy Scout, and I approve of this t-shirt.