CmdrHunt - Agent of Time Corps

@Belabras: I'm stupified. Another one? They really did make a deal with Hades especially since there is a sequal in the works.

Spider-man: Begins Again. That's awesome CJA. This is the title i'm going to start using when I explain to non-geeks that Spider-man is getting a reboot. Again.

@J_Frank_Parnell: Who or what did he have to do in Hollywood to get so many leading roles?

Sean Bean is so fitting for this role. Very oddly reminiscent of Boromir... anyhow, I enjoyed Game of Thrones and am looking forward to this in 2011.

Thanks for making Monday better CJA.

@GirlLibrarian: Out of curiosity in regards to the Jonah Hex movie, what would need to happen to deem this a success?

Wait. What the hell just happen?

@Zom-B: Ding ding! We have a winner!

Predator 2 was just awesome. Everybody remembers The Predator's new toys, wrist firing net gun, flying death disc, the uber-first aid kit.

@Sam: Ugh. Hated Blade 2.

@csanders984: Best thing about that movie, Kate Beckinsale in a corset and tight pants.

@manimatr0n: Thank you for mentioning. Laughably it would do better than Prince of Persia me thinks.

Why wont they let this idea die?

I adore that picture!!! (In a non-pedobear way.)

@ak4ray005: Jesus probably poured my that excellent cup of coffee I had this morning. Then picked that most delicious doughnut for me.

@buddhaistic: @Deacon_67: @darwinDMG: Thanks guys!

I call BS on this rumor. Bermuda Triangle means heavy on the CG effects.