
2.1amp / 10w charger. I can't find the specs but iPhones at least 4 and later do charge faster on the iPad charger which is a 10w/2.1amp charger. Not sure on droids....

The specs are 5w/1amp so yes it'll be a slow charge.

I'd be sold if it would supply 2.1amps...At only 1amp its just too slow of charging. I can't go back. 2.1amps or no go!

Oh your talking a the USB transceiver...The box that you plug in so that the computer can get the wireless signal to and from your keyboard.

ReWatch the said not to use 20000. its 6667 and 6668. the 20000 port is if you want to get the audio files off your phone....

Are you talking about a ps/2 to USB adapter? Like this...