ArightDoom: nèe conebone69

I believe this image speaks for itself, and any commentary therein would ruin the comedic intent of the post. So, in the words of Bart, "Get Bent."

It would be good taste/great PR to supply them with some sort of HD edition as a personel carrier or something. Terrible taste to bring it to market.


I saw that and thought tl;dr, but I was riveted. Thanks for that. Does Bukowski's "Post Office" still apply?

I once bungee-corded a 30 foot (collapsing) ladder to the top of my 328. My mom used to go to home depot in her 911. This is how you daily drive a sports car. #doingitright

You guys should really loop in with the Street Vendor Project or Midtown Lunch. They do stuff like this all the time and it would be a good synergy I think. Anyway, off to the kickstarter! #Ihearttruckfood

Fuck yeah!

Fuck yeah.

There are a lot of people on here talking about lacie drives die, I've had 2 daisy-chained as a backup and scratch disk for a couple years and I've never had a problem with them... Did I just jinx myself?

Damn you for approving this before I could. Hear-hear lads.

All stock save for a clutch stop.

Ugh, my 128i is up at 3K at 70-80.

Is there such a thing as BTTF fan fic? Because I feel like this would qualify as an awesome story.

Mneh, in my experience the street sweepers fly through at a pretty decent clip. Delivery trucks double parking are the real nuisance.

That was the saddest COTD yet. Bravo.

I've been using Macs since System 7.5... So, call it experience.
