ArightDoom: nèe conebone69

Like everyone below is saying, a lot of the people in that category are probably in the over the hill department and are perfectly happy with ibooks or some such nonsense.

@everlast556: I'm not sure if you mean Walter or Donnie—either one works, really.

@everlast556: What are you doing to provoke them? /blamingthevictim

I still don't even trust medallioned town cars. 20 bucks to go 10 blocks? Go see where you gotta go, friend.

@Link2187: I still think that it's turning fat cells into the stem cells necessary to regrow boobs:

@Link2187: Despite her assurances to the contrary, it probably still stung.

@ZGangsta: But that's where porn is. We shan't be going there for our fart apps and flashlight doodads, do you hear?

@tedknaz: Yeah, I was really hoping but not holding my breath that we would get an unbørked mobileme.

@Cyb3r_Punk: I haven't gotten to watch the keynote yet, but after skimming some of the posts and reading the comments, I'm left thinking, "Why am I going to bother upgrading to this?"

@george9807: 'Cause it's Kat posting and she's based in the UK.

When I heard about this, I was hoping it would be this video. This guy is actually a RIDONKULOUS bassist. #gotskillz

@cc: ::sheepishly raises hand::

You're killin me, Smalls.

@BrettVette: I'd imagine that the Jalop guys don't have much control over what the Giz weekend editors feel the need to crosspost.

@GuardDuck: That stuff is ridiculous. As far as roadie-proof, seeing as I'm my own roadie, leaving it in the back of a hot car produces noxious fumes. Yay toxic materials!