
cuz sewriously you have been retarding yourselves for mopnths, or whenever you let thqat cooze monique takle over your opinions

yeah, cuz waffle house hatres them blacks. PLEASE. STOP BEING SO FUCKING RETARDED, YON NEGROES

I fucked your stupid, ugly mother at least 52 times, you pathetic beta of a man

plz kill yourself

who cares

you are most likely, a pussy

fuck this pussy

who cares


seriously, only babies and pc fags caqrte about you so plz die already

maaaaan fuck this idiot for confusing us. YO, MONKEY NO ONE .FUCKING CARES, PLZ DIE ALREADY AND STOP BORING US

How fucked is it that this guy is the last scion of such an amazing lineage of AVC gimmick accounts. Like, we used to have Horsefellow and Old Timey Vaudeville Stage Hook, and now we have this guy

People like this monkeyboy hurt their stupid agendas with that shit so much, and they can’t even see it, doesn’t matter, as long as they get to vomit their trash takes on people

feminism is trash, just like every other “ism.”

my theory is that it’s actually lobsters/daffydick from the old site. It seems like the kinda of anti-humor shtick he liked to do

No one is Sheen crazy except sheen

And yet, I can not seem to solo-queue my way out of plat, though I have admittedly stopped trying for the most part. Anyway, yeah lol, friend me up if you wanna do some work, this goes for anyone, qp comp whatever. I just like to medic fun ppl

People who say crap like that invariably are low-as-you-get masters at best, and probably just hit that 2 days ago off a carry, bet

orrrrr PSU alums are trash

awwww shit, yo