
Yeah, I mean there are people who you can actually engage with on this stuff, and it can be pretty interesting to get different points of view. But then there are people who just want to sabotage discourse, and while its good to give the benefit of the doubt, this is a pretty clear case.

I wouldn’t bother. He is just trolling.
Step 1:Complain about how absolutely no one is engaging
Step 2:When someone engages dismiss them outright and insult them for no reason at all
Step 3:Complain about how absolutely no one is engaging

Neat. So, you complain that everyone is refusing to engage in discussion and is instead posting content-free posts as responses. Then I provide a content-based response and you dismiss it with a content free insult. I think there is a reason people aren’t engaging with you, and its not everyone else. You are identical

Oh geez, i responded to this person. i hope i dont regret it lol

“Nobody here has any original responses to someone who actually challenges their beliefs.”

Well I for one did (I think its still hidden). I pointed out that caving to the Steam mob is not “growing a pair” its doing the exact same thing as caving to a perceived left-wing mob, which is to say pandering
They took the

Sean Bond sounds like a mix of Sean Bean and James Bond. So, a secret agent that dies in every movie.

Love the hypocrisy here
“They caved to the sjw mob!! boycott!!!!!”
“They caved to the anti-sjw mob!! Thats perfectly fine!!
So its not about caving to mobs, its not about censorship. Its just about throwing a tantrum for not getting your way.

I mean. “absolute hate towards gay people” is hyperbolic, sure. Why does that trigger you so hard?

As long as they don’t back down on their donation to the trevor project i am okay with this, as written. Ogay isn’t that bad (GTA has done much worse with the homophobic jokes). the “f*gbag” thing was taken out, and probably should have been for numerous reasons. I mean the company didnt want it there, which is why it

They didnt grow a pair, they caved like a house of cards at the first sign of trouble. Thats the opposite of growing a pair. If they’d stuck to their guns, THAT would have been growing a pair.

Ohmgod! Aliens!

Gee. why would Jewish people not trust a right wing extremist demagogue with a god complex? I can’t imagine.

It was a joke, buddy. To be fair that was sandwiched between you calling me a nazi, an asshole, and a douche ;-)
But I forgive you. Sending you internet hugs!

That was a joke, buddy. And to be fair i only did that after you called me an asshole and alt-right (which basically means nazi)
But I forgive you. Sending internet hugs in hopes your day gets better.

In all honesty, im sorry you’re such an angry person. Life is hard sometimes, i get it. I hope you find what makes you happy. Have a great day, buddy :-)

SJW is just as bad as the N word’
Paraphrasing John Mulaney here: No. No it’s not. Do you know how I know it’s not? Because we’re both saying SJW (Social Justice Warrior) but we won’t even say what the N word is!

Im sorry. You win. The earth is 6000 years old, and god created adam and eve fully formed in the garden of eden. Evolution is a lie created by satan. You’re right on all of it. I’m sorry for being so blind.

“Now a person disagreeing with you is somehow taking away your free speech.”
This right here. You are objectively lying now. You know, and I know, and any one who read our thread knows i never mentioned someone “taking away [my] free speech.” You made that up whole cloth. You’re lying to make a queer look bad after you

“You don’t get to redefine or reclaim SJW any more that a white dude gets to use the N word ‘ironically’”