
Oh man... Aang's grandson is a bonafide nutjob... but still hilarious!

680? What happened to 600-670?

Well, those 99% of people don't have the right to complain if they change the ending to cater to the 1% who voiced their opinion and BioWare listened.

Can't wait to see what they have to say. Also that 90% of people on the BSN want a whole new ending says wonders.

Can't wait to see what the starting zone looks like upon launch.

I wasn't speaking for anyone other than myself. It was just my personal opinion on the matter.

Some good news finally. I just wish they could at least admit that they blew it on the ending. Sure "75 critics gave it a perfect score" but how many of those critics put in 30 hours and made it to the ending.?

bravo! Laughed harder with each one.

These guys need to make a movie already.

Well, if they didn't give them a deadline to begin with, then there could've been significantly more story and content added to the game that originally didn't make it past the idea stage because of time constraints.

Not only that, but the war assets that she helps you to get aren't even mentioned or hinted to outside the conversations with her.

Take DA:O

While I see the reasoning behind it all...

I just swallowed a gulp-ful of air, and that was more satisfying and filling than what he said here.

male playing as a female vanguard and man, that shit's awesome. Hale also does a damn good job as the VA for FemShep.

can there be a kickstarter campaign for Battlefront 3?

I can't take credit for it, I saw it posted on r/masseffect a couple days ago. I figured it applied to this situation well.

in other words...