
Every year is the same:

I couldn't see any...unless that isn't the actual commercial...

yea, I'm not a snowboarder... the snow might be softer than I realized. Cool video though!

What it shows, is that the physics in this game are super realistic.

This is why I never play Street Fighter (or similar games)... cause this is how I play em.

I didn't mind the interface, I just hated having to deal with twenty of the same ammo and armor upgrades.

Jessica Merizan, Community Manager for Bioware was doing an AMA on r/masseffect, and one user asked about the Day 1 DLC.

Did you even read all the way through? Or stop at that sentence? If it really didn't matter to me, thats all that I would've put in the comment.

It was made by a separate team. And they started working on around the same time that the main team was finishing up ME3.

Day 1 DLC is in essence a bad thing, but people are getting way too bent out of shape over this. Sure its $10, but since I'm getting the CE, it doesn't matter to me anyway. Besides, isn't that the purpose of a "collector's edition"? To give goodies to the people who fork out the extra cash and not to people who just

Only one of the greatest movies of all time!

The Naked Gun. that one is my favorite Nielson movie.

or this guy.

that "better with kinect" purple bar at the top of the box art is butt-ugly. I'm definitely considering cutting that off.

"easy to pick up, difficult to master."

Pretty much DA2 and EA are to blame. Also the hate for SWTOR, and all the people who believe that BioWare trashed all RPG aspects of the ME series to cater to the shooter fans.

nowadays, I'm afraid to admit that I'm a BioWare fan.

nothing more needs to be said.

It actually makes sense. It's Shepard's fault the Reapers couldn't start their invasion in ME1. It's Shepard's fault they couldn't continue to abduct human colonies for their experiments in ME2. And it's Shepard's fault they have to "manually" float out of dark space because Shepard destroyed the relay necessary in