
So for those of you who read it all the way through:

Why not TOR-ians? or SWTOR-ites?

Odds are, they're just saying that to be safe. Down the line, should they release ME4, or ME-MMO, or more DLC, they dont want to be crucified because they never told players to save their ME3 data.

I'm already starred...?

I can see it already.

I choose John Madden.

yea, I figured as much. Thanks for the info though!

I need to learn how to make mods.

I'm pretty sure there is some sort of official canon in regards to the games. Basically, play through ME2 on a brand new character (don't import) and you'll see what it would be deemed as "official".

Very inspiring story. I saw a little bit of myself in there. I did raid hardcore during BC and WotLK, but not Cata and Vanilla. I did however, go through two extended (5+ months) hiatuses (hiati?) in between BC/ WotLK, and WotLK/Cata.

oh god...I need to get reading...

all you need is a little imagination. Just focus on this picture, then close your eyes and paint a mental picture, and you're golden.

ah, I just thought you were going after my typo....


what was beautiful.

Han and Chewie = bromance

very interesting...

Yea, I have a feeling they'll reveal more as it gets closer. That or they wont show anything off in the trailers because it could give away too much?

And thats why you can play on "story mode" in ME3

its right brain vs left brain.