
Is that why? Cause EA is only allowing their games to be played through Origin?

I was getting it on the 360 anyway. Seriously though, why does everyone hate Origin so god damn much? I've never had a single problem with it.

The case looks ugly...Its mostly the paint job that puts me off.

There are a lot of good comments, its just they get easily drowned out and overshadowed by the ear piercing screech of the trolls. Like your drunk neighbor blasting music at 3am.

beat me too it. I love that show.

oh man, I'm going to have nightmares now...

whoa. That was pretty cool. Also, slightly creepy.

I love this segment...but man does it kill my self esteem.

There were alot of flaws in that game, but some good things too.



I only really buy games I know I'll enjoy, and if I'm on the fence, I'll borrow it from somebody. The only game I actually sold back to GameStop was WET.

and it would still sell millions of copies.

congrats to you too!

I think this is just a clever ploy to get Blizzard to announce the release date.

yea, I love that movie.

yay! mine got picked!

With all these trolls about, where is this man when we need him?

oh god. Some of these comments are scary.