
Good for him! He's been working like a dog for a long time now, and he's left an amazing legacy: John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Larry Wilmore, Wyatt Cenac, Olivia Munn.

Jesus I can't believe I'm seeing that people think she looks TOTALLY DIFFERENT. It's a woman not wearing eye makeup. That's literally all I see. She looks beautiful as always, but because she isn't done up to our standards she "has a new face"?! Come on!!

I bet Comedy Central feel pretty stupid for Oliver being on another network. They could use him now for sure.

No, Jason Jones is.

Yes there is. Broad City. Key and Peele. Kroll Show.

Why is there an article dedicated to one girls suicide? Thousands of people commit suicide every year. What is so unique about this one? A girl has sex with multiple boys, someone films it, she is harassed at school, and kills herself. We have heard it all before.

It's like he decides what to wear in the morning based on how racist it will make him look

Told her, "I have a place I would like to take you where I hung your grandpa."

The headline loaded first and when the picture popped up I was like "well, that's exactly what I expected him to look like." Sometimes stereotypes are mind-blowingly accurate.

As of today, I am 5 days status post methotrexate therapy for treatment of an ectopic pregnancy. Although I certainly was prone to rage against shit like this before, my experience as a newly-minted "woman who is GUILTY of killing her (very wanted, but that's beside the point) BABY" has amplified my feelings about

Having a miscarriage is just proof that you didn't want the baby enough so God decided not to let you keep it, and not wanting the baby is practically the same thing as having an abortion and everyone knows abortion is murder. The previous sentence is a paraphrase of an actual thing an actual person said to my

And also what is with holding women accountable for the outcome of their pregnancy, as if anyone has any control over it. It's taking a medical issue and turning it into a criminal offence.

If the anti-abortion nutcases in this country have their way, this will be us before long. God damn these fucking zealots. Why aren't the lives of women considered more valuable than a cluster of cells?

Or, "I'm pretty sure you know."

She usually hits her stride there around the 8th time she asks a woman how she stays thin. Just once I wish someone would tell her, I do ALL THE COKE, Giuliana."

I want to bring caftans back so bad.

man, that is too bad...pretty sure she dieted for a week in order to justify that shot too.

I've been looking for the words to describe that feeling and "second hand embarrassment" is perfection.

I'm still smiling that Tina and my best friend Amy introduced George Clooney as Amal's husband - as well they damn should.