You’d be in the same position with this thing
You’d be in the same position with this thing
Umm. Clean stock S2000's this is one of the worst examples.
You’d be spending 10k plus fixing the issues. This car is a basket case.
Nope not even close.
No it cant. It’s rebuilt from an accident with over fenders that are fastened to the body.
No this car has a bunch of issues. Couldn’t even register it here. Insurance won’t touch it with the aftermarket wheel without the airbag
Same with every other part installed.
He’s trying to get the cost of his parts back. The car was wrecked, OEM panels and repair would cost more than the custom work he did.
You’re buying a basket case. High mileage, rebuilt, custom car with irreversible modifications. CP all day
It’s not just bolting on stock parts. There's irreversible mods here that destroy value.
No it’s high mileage and custom.
High mileage custom car.....
You should try loading it on mobile. No slides all one page.
It’d be nice if the page actually loaded at AC reasonable speed. Took a minute on my Pixel 4 on wifi that just tested at 245Mbps down.
So blame these kids?
Talented Fortnite kids plays better than most people. Others like to view them.
Ok then go do what these kids did. I’m sure they’re more successful than both of us.
Ya fuck these kids for using their talents and skill to earn money.
Matt Farah regretted his every day. Even with aftermarket suspension.