
Okay — um — I desperately need some folks to read this. I am reeling. I’m one of the people out there who lives on the thin margin between getting by and ... not getting by. I’m disabled and alone. With Republicans in control of all branches of the govt, I fear that fairly soon our social safety net will be looted and

Unfortunately those dark times were when America was less of a power than she is now. I do not think we will be a power when the Republicans finish turning us into Kansasx50.

The problem is the rest of us get hurt too. Hell, Trump is so thin-skinned, he’ll probably want to know who has written nasty comments about him, maybe we’ll all get an extra tax to add the gold-leaf to the TRUMP sign on the White House. He’s such a little, bitter, tacky man.

This always felt real to me, and that’s why I’ve been so frightened throughout. But what this disaster tells us all is, we have a very large number of people that feel misused by life -- the ones that the “financial recovery” never got around to. It’s a shame, but at the end of the day, they’ve voted for a person who

I think we’re screwed.

I’m really not liking the look of Johnson’s numbers here. Of course, I’m old enough to remember Nader very vividly ...

Jr has daddy issues.

Of course, the big problem with media folk sharing their voter info is that the honey badgers on the “right” will use it as ammunition : “See?! This is why they can’t be trusted to be impartial!!” Et cetera.

I’m not surprised at all. I did enjoy seeing her without the filter of someone else’s words and pictures. I knew I was voting for her, of course, but even so, it’s good to get a more personal feel, if possible. Yesterday President Obama was late to a function because there was such an overflow of people waiting to see

Was lucky enough to get this pic the other night:

I live in a small town in a small (but very important) state. The town I live in could be called Redville, and Trump signage litters every street. This is part of the reason I’ve been upset/disgusted/gaining weight since Trump was officially made Dictator-in-training by the Republicans. I have never been so nervous

I thought Joanna wearing a tail was news.

Hunh, you can’t have your phone while voting? I don’t think there’s any rules like that in my state.

Not being able to enforce a given law doesn’t stop folks from making them. Look at the NC “bathroom” bill. Unless they’ve started using Gentilia Inspectors there, I’d guess it’s a pretty hard bill to enforce.

Have you considered that your emails may have hounded poor!Jeb out of the race? & thus leaving the field clear for Cheetolini?

Yes, some dems exercise bad judgment, possibly because they’re human, I don’t know, that’s just a guess. But repubs exercise bad judgment when it comes to their destructive and excluding ideology. I’ll take a Bill Clinton (I’m not a fan, btw) over a Paul Ryan any day.

Why do Trump’s crowds look so terribly, terribly unhealthy? I’ve been to two big dem rallies in the last two days and there are people of all ages and colors and sizes but none of them have that ghastly unhealthy look.

omg! I had the worst nightmare about that a couple of weeks ago. Hilary was, curiously, a crossing guard at a traffic area. I think — memory is hazy — that there were no longer traffic lights. I woke up never wanting to sleep ever again.

I used to see this truck in town that had a proud MADE IN AMERICA bumper sticker on it. Problem was, that old chevy truck was so rusted out the bumper had visible holes in it. There was also a MCCAIN/PALIN sticker on there, so I’m guessing irony wasn’t a thing the owner was blessed with understanding.

The eagle looks more real than the other one in the picture.