
Um. This guy is really confused. The confederate flag is the flag of traitors who went to war against the US because they wanted to continue owning people.

I phrased my reply badly, I’m sorry, I wasn’t being critical. I know a lot of Trump supporters — I’m avoiding them all and that will likely continue as much as possible after the election (I hope Trump realizes some time the damage he has wrought to the fabric of democracy) — and at least some of them are genuinely

I wouldn’t say no to wine myself and I’ve never been a day drinker. Livers everywhere are saying DONT VOTE TRUMP WE WANT TO LIVE.

I had a nosebleed last night when I was trying to get to sleep. I’m pretty sure it was due to stress.

But the reason they’re morons is because they’ve been fed a steady diet of lies for decades. They’re told that black people range the suburban streets ready to attack them, despite never seeing a black person themselves. They’re told that the current president is a secret Muslim despite the existence of any proof —

I think you’ve hit on his secret plan to restore the “lower” classes. He failed with his Wall Street investing -- when the market was flying full bull too — so they’re on his list since nothing can ever be his fault because he’s perfect, yeah? So when he wins and the market and entire world economy gets shitcanned,

I’d say the worst choice is, you know, voting for Trump, but I hear ya.

I’d say “whatever works” at this point, for all of us.

Misogyny? Or maybe it’s as simple as believing the “liberal” media that paints Clinton as a monster with cloven hooves despite there being nothing as yet that is actually lawless and bad? It’s a mystery.

I really think we should sue Cheetolini for forcing us to these unhealthy coping mechanisms ... and the eventual PTSD.

Well. I think we’re on the same page here and I hope your methods help you cope. Also, I had a spontaneous nose bleed in bed last night, which I also blame on the stress. 

I really like “Cheeto Benito.” :-)

I’m not normally a big drinker either. And the amount of garbage food I have eaten these last weeks, I don’t know where to start. Basically, I don’t really care that the electoral map looks like a lock. This year has been so ... unusual that I don’t believe it can be trusted. (Honestly, how many people will vote for

I’m sorry to hear this. Too much Fox News? It’s so upsetting to see people vote based on lies they’ve been fed.

Yes, I’ve seen variations on this since the Reagan years. He started that ball rolling with the whole “the government is the problem” line, which even at the time I thought showed contempt for our government. Watching their behavior, especially from the Clinton years onward, I am now convinced they’re genuinely

Let’s make it a thing! That hopefully we won’t have to use much after the next few days ...

I’ve been stressed since the Republican convention, when it really became a real thing. Everybody was saying, look at the polls, she’s a lock, etc, but I couldn’t shake the dread. I wish I could have done so, because the ratcheting stress is just monstrous. I’ve been drinking so much wine and eating tub after tub of

I hope it gets better for you. Though keeping busy is definitely the way to go. Whenever I stop and think about this year, I just want to crawl off and die.

omg -- I’m surprised you didn’t get alcohol poisoning.

I shouldn’t think anybody would be in the mood for sexytimes with all the Trump coverage everywhere. Yet another reason to vote Clinton. I just want him to go away, preferably to jail, because I’m sick and tired of giving these assholes a free pass & unlike Clinton, it’s pretty clear he’s engaged in lawless behavior