I can’t give specific career advice, but I would suggest looking into start-ups rather than huge companies. I think a smaller company allows for more understanding of individuals in a general way. Good luck!
I can’t give specific career advice, but I would suggest looking into start-ups rather than huge companies. I think a smaller company allows for more understanding of individuals in a general way. Good luck!
It’s very important to have an outlet, even if that outlet is a bunch of people you likely will never meet. I really hope there is some good coming your way soon. Meanwhile, hang in there and do what you can do, and don’t forget about you. Cheers.
Hannah, I hope that last sentence was intended for a rather narrow audience.
I’m relieved to hear it. :-)
It’s also worth pointing out that a lot of other countries’ populations are rightfully horrified by what’s happening in the US. Traveling abroad while Dubya was president was embarrassing enough, but trying to justify how Trump could occur in a sane, healthy nation is just mortifying. Every time the Republicans move…
The Democrats are far from perfect as far as enacting policy to benefit or protect “the little people,” which is a shame, because policy that benefits the majority generally benefits all to some degree. But there is zero comparison to the Republicans, who have actively sought to crush the lower and middle classes,…
If you’re a fan of George Wallace ... ah ... I’m rather surprised you’re commenting here on Jezebel. (Also, I think FDR was easily one of our top 5 presidents. :-)
It was a great show, but killing off Root killed the show for me. That was the best redemption arc I’ve ever seen on any episodic show. To kill off the character meant that what she went through wasn’t enough for her to survive and thrive. Basically, despite tremendous writing and terrific performances from all…
Huma’s husband doesn’t have a place in Philly, right?
Please don’t overlook that we’ve already had 8 years of a dangerously inept president, his name was George W Bush and the flaming pile of shit he left behind is still smoldering, despite 8 years of competent leadership.
My little niece has been to multiple parties already and has amassed a shocking haul of candy, with days left to go. (I’m not jealous, no no no ...) She is 2 and has been riding her own personal roller coaster of sugar highs and sugar lows for several days now.
There is still time.
I’d like to relax to the point where I’m not overtly terrified of Trump winning. But what I expect to happen, if Clinton wins, is the same sort of nastiness we have seen under Clinton’s and Obama’s presidencies, times 1000x plus a massive dollop of misogyny on top! Good times await!
I really hope something can be done. I hate the thought of it being open season on places like nature refuges, but something like this will just encourage similar or worse behaviors from other like-minded idiots.
We’re in the sulfrous upside down place, I think.
You and me both. I mean, there’s video, there’s audio, there’re all those weapons, the destruction of the facility. They have to be guilty of any number of things. They were armed to the teeth and talking about a revolution, ffs. I’m sorry, I’m really upset about this. I spend a lot of time at refuges and such (I’m a…
Yes! D’oh! I wouldn’t have been upset at all if they’d been found guilty. Thanks for the head’s up, I was so upset I didn’t catch my mistake (obviously). This is a really great year for stupid white guys, but a really bad year for all else.
Oh fuck, those morons who destroyed that Oregon bird refuge because freedom have been found guilty. I want to say many swear words right now. So many.
I can’t unsee this now ...
I think, in these troubling times, we should take whatever solace we can find. Despite his (absurd) tendency to refer to himself in the 3rd person like some other petty despots of times past, at least he doesn’t wear a comic opera uniform festooned with gold braid and, say, medals given to him by actual veterans along…