

Not at all. I liked it better when there was more emphasis on hacking and stealth. Each trailer makes it look more and more generic. It's like GTA without any of the humor.

Mike Wise would actually be a pretty legit name for a rapper.

Coming up next, Mike Wise breaks down the entire Redskins lineup, and runs through the Redskins needs for this upcoming season, when the Redskins won't make any promises they can't keep!

Always room for more antiquated, ocean-going battleships in space, that's what I always say!

And all those Kurosawa movies fully deserve their praise.

Mars, Bringer of War by Gustav Holst. Just "that part" of it. You're guaranteed the Hall.

The irony of using Orwell to defend Fox News never gets old. Keep it coming.

I feel you bro, 2 minutes is not nearly enough.

We had the opportunity to visit the Tule Lake camp a year ago. Pretty surreal, and I'm incredibly disappointed this fact isn't taught in schools. It's one of those facts that gets glossed over, because we didn't put anyone in ovens. But the fact remains, it's very easy for a nation, or a majority to decide to round up

He seems to be working at his own pace.. initial posters for the game suggested a 2013 release, iirc, but that definitely didn't happen and there's been no information yet. Gameplay is still being cautioned as "very early" and updates on the dev blog are pretty sparse, so I wouldn't expect a release until late this

Apparently, the US Senate did in fact declare today as Everybody Shit on Goodell Day:

Fuck the cold-hearted bastard 34% who didn't like Babe.

And throw off its careful numbering system?

It's never good when the story involves you and Eric LeGrand and you come off as the spineless one.

Just think, if your Mom knew how to wipe front to back you might never have been born.

That doesn't describe the Sterling situation at all. So, bad joke then? Bad joke then.

It was a joke, guys. If Parsons had said something really defenseless, Lin would've called him "Harden."

Both from the books and the series it's fairly obvious that Littlefinger has an overarching plan, that is simple at its foundation, become a more powerful and wealthy lord. The show doesn't show this, but Littlefinger is actually named for his home; his "castle" (more of a fort, really) is on one of the "Fingers",