
He would play CK2. In fact, maybe he does...

Special mention for McDonough’s “But that means play action should be illegal” take.

Like the fella once said, ain’t that a kick in the head?

I’m sure I speak for every CKII player that’s seen The Wire when I say, “WMD! Got that WMD right here!”

The House passed four earlier this week and the Senate is probably going to vote on them next week.

The best way to get an American to stop using an English accent is to use one right back - a rendition of Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins works pretty good. Use ‘guv’nah’ a lot.

Was probably distracted by the socks. I know I was.

China is not a country of moneyed idiots.

[Bills fan has inspiration]

um you forgot the fucking lakers

In America, what’s happening in Hong Kong is about an erosion of civil liberties, like free speech.

It bums me out every time there’s video from the ISS and everyone’s dressed like they work at BestBuy. Where are the swoopy collars and spandex?

I bet Ferttita gets China and Japan mixed up all the time. “Who’re the commies and who got the bomb?...Really? Pretty sure it’s the other way around.”

And the viscount? He would go on to be ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, King of the Andals and the First Men for a brief period.

lol yeah they have some pricey stuff. It can be like bathroom jewelry.

Gotta go online. i get all my stuff except soap from westcoastshaving. If you’ve just been using drugstore Gilettes, get one of their assortment packs and try a bunch of different brands. I like Personna Red. Less than $20 for 100 blades.

I am honestly very curious if the shirts are free or not.

The good ol’ days, when “Where are your papers?” was said with a German and not American accent to get the point across.

Cool! I wonder which awesome tacquerias are participating!...Oh...Oh dear...Good lord...Guess I’ll get a burger.

Man, if you went to UO in the 90s you would’ve seen post midnight infomercials for The Wheel Guys; two mulleted and moustached Triumph concert tshirt wearing gentlemen who sold rims like it was an auction over the course of an hour. Turned out they were meth dealers and that’s how they laundered the money.