
Cross stitching makes me think of this:

WOAH WOAH WOAH. My wife is Turkish and with that her family/friends are Turkish and I know many of them. One of her cousins posted this earlier today:

I keep seeing this complaint in American publications.

What’s interesting about that is any story about the suffrage movement should have a number of African-American actors because suffrage and abolition ran hand-in-hand for quite a while. You have to choose to tell parts of the story that don’t include abolition.

Exasperated comment from a feminist.


I would have put in “ACK!!”

I would take their complains about sexism and equal pay in Hollywood more serious if they did what you suggested. It is sorta hard to scream for equality when you actively participate in inequality yourself. Everyone jumps to back J-Law, but very few even acknowledge what Viola Davis said.

literally none of the movies in which these ladies starred couldn’t be made with a WOC. they just don’t want to. sad but true.

Thank you, Kara. This is awful, again, and again, to have to point this out and each time the person gives the same stupid ass excuse of.. they are not considered so I didn’t put any on the cover.. and round and round we go. What would be nice is if... those white women stood up for their POC/women and said.. “No, I

“It’s rather convenient when a studio decides to put money behind a period piece like Suffragette, because it is much easier to pretend like people of color weren’t around in 1880 than in say, 1970.” damn, if I ever learned anything from Shade Court, this is some well-played shade

As Viola Davis perfectly explained during her Emmy acceptance speech: “The only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity. You cannot win an Emmy for roles that are simply not there.”

I mean Mary, Jesus and Joseph left Egypt in the dark of the night because of violence against Jews, literally refugees, but noooo. I guess they were different? Somehow?

that is pretty much about as damning a passage as you can throw in these “christians” faces, Jesus didn’t say to do those things, unless you are afraid they might steal from you or hurt you, he said do them and do them without question or you will be cast out from me.

Wait wait wait...what threat could Syrian orphans under five possibly pose to anyone? If there are any refugees that deserve quick processing and placement (I’m sure there are tons of prospective adoptive parents in the US who would adopt a Syrian orphan), it’s orphaned babies. Like, wtf Christie?

While the message is good, Deuteronomy 15:11 could not have come from Christ since it’s from the Old Testament. Matthew 25:34-45 is something Christ said and works as well to show what hypocrites these right wing assholes are.

By closing Kitchenette and The Vane, I have lost two of the main reasons I came here.

First Grantland, now Gawker. What, do these people want me to actually WORK at work?!