NO!!! NO! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNO. That’s a BAD Stephie. BAD!! Go sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done!
NO!!! NO! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNO. That’s a BAD Stephie. BAD!! Go sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done!
I could not even order anything from that menu without hating myself, and them, omg.
“Who turns down a chance to be a bounty hunter?!” - For $200.
This really is a good point. Pastafarianism does not require that a collander be worn at all times, or even just when being photographed, so a religious beliefs exception is, um... kind of nonsense?
That’s pretty weird. I can kiiiiiiind of understand the last two, since headgear is more obscuring of your features and most of the time when you have to show your ID you’re not smiling, but glasses don’t really change your looks by any measurable degree, and you almost always wear them if you need them.
I’ve never had my glasses off for a state ID, not in PA, NY, or VA.
The guy making that quote, he was, I think, against the separation. From what I understood in the article, it’s this anonymous group trying to kick them out, not the transgender people trying to leave because they don’t get enough support.
Ooh la la...
Would the foundation and Otto Frank not give the museum permission for that project? If not, why?
As long as you’re not crunching near me! Because the next thing that will be crunching will be YOUR SKUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLL RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!
We got a turkey for Thanksgiving. One morning, not long before the day, I woke up to the sound of hacking. I came into the kitchen and startled my now-ex, who dropped a stripped raw turkey carcass on the floor. He had chopped off every bit of actual meat from the bones... Then he put hand soap in the dishwasher and…
You have a point. Do your thing, just be aware of your surroundings, then, okay? And good luck!
Try to avoid the tube, people are scared and tight spaces full of scared people are very very dangerous.
Oh my God, I’m so sorry............. Did you read the book where Tasslehoff Burrfoot dies? BUCKETS OF TEARS!!!
I’ve been reading this webcomic:
I cannot unsee that Success Kid is “triumphantly” eating sand...
War is a terrible thing. I’m not entirely sure it’s not the most efficient way to deal with these shits.
In most cases, they got theirs and they never actually gave a damn about anyone else. Then there are people who go out of their way to help, in spite of their success and wealth. They do exist, they’re just sadly rare, and like every other group on the planet, the blatantly rude, careless, greedy husks stand out more…