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That’s a shame, I guess we’ll never get to see these guys freak out again.

Basically how i wish DayZ was. A big open world Last of Us.

Lol you’d get wrecked by the guys playing on these teams. Halo is all about skill. Landing every shot, perfect movement, total map control. Sad how ridiculous some people are around here.


Instead, Black Ops III multiplayer is basically a slightly revised version ofAdvanced Warfare’s multiplayer,

The multiplayer is fantastic, and it really feels like Fahey is intentionally selling it short. The traversal is nothing like Advance Warfare, and far more akin to Titanfall in style. The maps are actually bigger than ever before, including hidden routes, swimming, and actually forcing players to stop camping for

I’m loving the multiplayer.

It’s not that I don’t understand why people invert, it’s just a preference. What I never understand are the explanations I get as to why they feel it’s better to invert.

“Just imagine you are pushing around a stick on the back of your character’s head...”

“No, no, you’re controlling the camera itself, think of it like

Only in flight games?... I don’t even understand how the inverted habit started.

I refuse to believe that y-inverters are human.

I am your professor, and I would much rather play Fallout than read your paper. That’s why I have UTAs.

a) It’s an AI that will likely use traditional AI difficulty methods such as reading your button presses or having grossly imbalanced attacks to make up for the fact that no matter what, it’s bogged down to to a set way of playing and decision-making. This is important for two reasons: 1) it’s probably too dumb to do

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Here it is in even better quality, and for us Americans:

All the people that think this mission is horrible and therefore should be removed seem to have missed the entire point of the mission.

Yes its horrible, thats the fucking point. Terrorism is horrible. And the best way to convey that message, is putting you in the middle of it.

I think this is relative. As I said in the post, he has over two million subscribers. That’s a big number! The thing is, people can now be stars within niches, which means that not EVERYONE might know who they are, but that doesn’t make them any less ‘important,’ you know?

sounds about right. The only game that’s exclusive to the Bone on that list is Sunset.

you can do this across the world from your ps4. I played numerous games away from my house while at a friends.

It can work over Wifi, the ability to play it in another room/floor of the house is a pretty cool perk.

Because you can be laying in your bed or taking a shit while playing