
that third kit is fire

Massive Layton fan here, I love the world and the characters, and the puzzles are usually pretty good too. I pounced on this for iOS, as I don’t really play portables anymore, and was wondering how the experience would translate to iOS. The interface translation was clunky, but usable. The puzzles however, were really

I’m an old, uncivilized man, but I can tell you that these are all wrong answers. The only answer is Capri Blue Volcano from Anthropology. Sugared limes and lemons. It’s heaven in a jar.

I’m an old, uncivilized man, but I can tell you that these are all wrong answers. The only answer is Capri Blue

My fuel sender on my 2001 A4 went bad, so I track everything with the trip odometer - naturally it does not always go well. This is my greatest accomplishment, stalling out and coasting out of rush hour traffic down a small slope into a gas station spot, couldn’t even get to the right side.

“More pertinently, I’ve got a steaming hot take on Detroit. It’s never going to “come back.” The only way to fix it would be to basically start over.”

Would definitely add Joel Thorman to the SB list...

What are you talking about? SB Nation has some of the least toxic, healthiest sports communities online... is fantastic, with original analysis and content that puts any other “sports news” site to shame.

In Rainbows.

In Rainbows.

Hey... Hey you. Pull up a seat here and let’s talk about fiat currencies.

As somebody who spends a lot of time in (and loves)Ann Arbor and Detroit, but lives in Ohio - the rivalry is lame and played out at this point. Michigan and Ohio are indistinguishable 95% of the time. OSU fans are the worst fans on the face of the earth, I will agree with that.

lots and lots of splits.

the stock has split about 8 times since i bought it.

So Spursy

Hi. I’m here to tell my Mercury Tracer story. It is not a happy one.

Moved Yedlin to the wing? #AkronZips

You know that deep-fried Coca-Cola is absolutely a thing, right?

"Only hipsters want to keep Detroit looking shitty."

Went to high school in Bowling Green, Ohio with Zach and his brothers, good people!

completely agree, Victorinox are an incredible value, their amazing chef's knife is $27!!!