
“Mes que un club,” or “more than a club,”

I think you can completely quit just keep working at it. I also never believed I would stop drinking soda( about 2 liters of coke daily for about 7-8 years) yet I stopped after a few years of cutting back slowly. Now I don’t even think about it, I don’t crave it even when it’s right in front of me being offered to me.

Huh. Well as someone that drank about 2 liters of soda(mainly coke) daily for about 8 years I can understand your love for the drink. However soda is fucken trash. I cut my intake of it for about two years to 1 16oz or 20oz coke with dinner, which was progress in my case. Just this last April I completely eliminated

The camelview one just outside the mall, right ? Well you’re right they upgraded and moved it into the mall. The last movie I saw there was Mustang and it was $15 a ticket. I live in Mesa and it’s about a 25-30 minute drive so unfortunately I don’t go often.

She knows damn well shes acting Black.

She has a learning disorder

Aren’t veteran music-video directors who graduate to films supposed to make pointlessly show-offy nonsense?

Aren’t veteran music-video directors who graduate to films supposed to make pointlessly show-offy nonsense?

Fuck you Ann Coulter !

Fuck you Ann Coulter !

Dear, People

I’ll repeat myself, Penis into the vagina is not the only way to have sex. Not being able to get an erection is not excuse not to have sex. Seriously some of you dudes sound boring as fuck in bed.

P in the V is not the only way to have sex, just saying.

Even if they convince us to vote

In response, Plainfield deputy town manager Tony Perona said the city officials voted to place Weber on administrative leave until they vote on her future with the police department

What about Megaman Legends 1 and 2 ? Or The Misadventures of Tron Bonne ? please release this on PC, like pretty please.

There’s also the paycheck pension cops.