
Goddammit! Just let this rumor die, it’s disgusting.

0.5 ? That’s generous, let’s be honest his a -9.

I stand and wipe, like a fucken human being!(I honestly did not know people wiped their ass while sitting, this is shocking news.)

Same, this freaks don’t know how to wipe their ass properly.

I still don’t understand why creating a boob size is something that’s even an option(especially for a teenage toon). Do men(some women, I guess) really want this option ? It just seems like something a horny 12 year old, who’s never gotten laid would want.

It’s rooted in the stupid belief that tampons take away a women’s virginity. Am not a tampon person because my mom made it sound so fucken scary and “you lose” you virginity bullshit. To be honest, I think losing your virginity to a tampon might be the most feminist thing ever.

probably cost around $250-$300M to make, plus at least another $100M for marketing and publicity.

Yeah! Especially the poor people! Because fuck them!

Ladies and gentlemen, this ladder of replies (cluster fuck) happens when you try to deconstruct a superhero designed for children.

(which wasn’t the character at the very beginning)

I feel that his saying the because he doesn’t want to look like a whiny wuss.

“Even bad men love their mama’s” - 3:10 to yuma

Oh, shut the fuck up Bernie!

I hope this is all a stupid and terrible lie, I can not go on living knowing that 6 women have fucked Ted Cruz.

For that matter, why the fuck isn’t the presidential race straight popular vote.

It’s still fucking insane that in order to win elections, george fucking clooney has to charge 6 figures for a seat at a dumb dinner. That’s the point, my dude.

Trump is jelly.

Except Michael Bay movies actually make money Snyder’s rarely do.

Yes, god does hate us all. He especially hates women because the hot high school girl he had a crush on, rejected him.

Actually the vagina is a very strong muscle, after all it pops out human beings. So I honestly don’t get that insult, especially since balls are so weak and fragile.