
The New Nintendo 3DS actually had really impressive 3D on a lot of titles. Bravely Default and Bravely Second come to mind as prime examples, but The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was also a standout. It really depends on the title and the developer.

Anything is possible. It helps to have Japanese friends that can translate for you, though they would probably be curious why you want to get married in Japan if you don’t live there, since it will be hard to go back and revisit the place you got married should you desire to, unless you want to move to Japan at some

Yeah right. I’m already camped out to buy Ultra Sun and Moon and I don’t even know when they come out. Who cares about Pokemon GO.

I’m sure Jake’s decision to leave Disney and his very public viral video that goes against nearly everything Disney represents and had immense public backlash have zero to do with one another. 100% sure.

He cant even come up with a cute nickname for his fans. Sad!

Thank gun-toting American God the FCC is protecting our red, white, and blue children from the marginal pixelated asses being prominently and sinfully displayed. Praise Washington, Liberty, Freedom, and Football.

This is partly why I couldn’t get into Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire...just seems like another lazy escapist fantasy for middle aged white men. Not really my bag.

Dammit just when I thought I had broken the addiction they give me a reason to watch again

Is Roland Deschain really a good example of Lawful Good? I’d consider him...something else. Without getting into spoilers, he does some very morally questionable things on his path to the Tower, things even he himself realizes aren’t truly justifiable. In the end he cries the pardon of those he’s wronged but he still

Google managed. Maybe next time Samsung shouldn’t advertise a feature so heavily before looking into it a little further?

Oh wow, is “shit the bed” making a comeback as a phrase people actually use?

Um, you’re either not thinking logically about this or you’re purposefully being a contrarian.

I pre-ordered the remaster as soon as it was available. Certainly don’t mind devoting another few hundred-or-so hours...maybe this time around I’ll get what the hell is going on with the storyline.

Well, that’s big of you.

I actually kind of like both this and Wizards of the Coast quietly introducing a trans character to Magic: The Gathering canon. As a “Member Of A Minority Group™”, I sometimes dislike it when the discourse around a character’s significance *coughwonderwoman**coughblackpanther* gets so loud that it eclipses dialogue

Can we stop shitting on people that try to be allies? She’s saying her own realization that she was being treated in a sexist manner opened her eyes. HOWEVER your eyes get opened, the fact that they are and she’s talking about it should be welcome. Instead we shit on and shame her. This is why no one speaks out -

I think I Am Setsuna outshines Puyo Puyo Tetris, but I get that you have to represent a broad swath of interests. If we’re talking about “bests”, though, I Am Setsuna needs to be back on the list in some fashion.

If he was a hit and they expanded a bit...Injustice Superman vs Icon....oh mama...definitely would not have playing that matchup a couple times.

Just for clarity’s sake, most of the class=defining ability mechanics aren’t “new” per se, they’re just given a visual representation now with a “gauge” of some sort for each class. I think only White Mage got a totally “new” ability (well, RDM and SAM as well, of course).

I’m not sure you understand what “satire” means.