Holly Jones

She wasn’t half as bad as people say she was in AHS, in my opinion! She maintained a peculiar accent throughout the whole show and looked cool as f*ck...I don’t think people give her enough credit for that role

Okay, her little “heh-heh” snicker as she’s getting into the driver’s seat made me fall of my chair laughing.

I’ve been waiting for this thread all day, and I just wanted to say, I love how she performs with every song like she feels that the song cannot be sung without the proper moves and emotions.

I love that Lady Gaga is just as likely to break out in a “MOVE, BITCH! GET OUT THE WAY!” as anyone else. And is just as white and bad doing it as I am.

I have mixed feelings about this relating to Heather. I think she’s just had it with Kelly. She sees someone who loses control and goes really lower over and over again, who never really seems to take responsibility or say to any of them “I know I have an anger control problem and that I say really terrible things

Brianna is the patronus of daughters with crazy moms. Watching her deal with Vickie is like therapy for me. I hope next season they kick Vickie to the curb and keep Brianna.

Vicki’s lack of self-awareness when even her own children have zero issue calling her out on her shit on national television informs me of everything I need to know about Miss “nail me to the cross” fake cancer scammer last season, fake cancer charity scammer this season. She has always traded on information to

Thank you. Watching her sexually harass and grope the servers/performers in Ireland - whose reactions made plainly evident that her attention and contact were unwanted - made me deeply uncomfortable. It’s a shame that Jez didn’t post a recap of last week’s episode because Vicki’s behavior, as well as the atrocious

I seriously refresh the site so intensely on Tuesdays to see if this perfect shitstorm has been reviewed...bless you.

Betcha $5 he’s her candidate, too.

Drunk Dorinda is GOLD! I could watch her all day long slurring concepts, feelings and ideas. Did u see that slurred toast on the boat-excuse me YACHT- for Luann? She’s hysterical, but also a master sh*tstirrer.

I absolutely loved Michael’s expression when she said that. He literally cocked his head like a confused puppy.

This just looks like Tamra has gotten older...

Vicki is so clearly desperate to get someone to like her that she plays both sides and expects it to not blow up in her face. She betrays her original friends by feeding Kelly some bullshit, but once they’re nice to her (agree to get wasted with her) again, she acts like Kelly’s the one with stories.

There needs to be a petition to get Vicki off this show. Like I’m not worried about Kelly. I don’t think she’s going to be around for long... also Kellys don’t tend to fare well on this franchise.

Or admit the lies she told to cover up his (her infamous “cancer binder,” etc.)

As much as I love HWs and the drama OC is bringing, I am honestly grateful next week is the season finale. I am exhausted. This drama is not fun the way NYC was. This is brutal and I feel complicit in enabling whatever problems Kelly Dodd has going on in her personal life. Between OC and NJ I’m more than ready for the

If we all stopped going to these parties like most of us want to, then they will stop having them. Simple.

Or do as I do to navigate your company's holiday party like a pro : don't go.