Holly Jones

Like, what is, like, with, like, all of the, like, "like" usage in that, like, one quote?

Definitely. I'm so "not into it" that I'm worried my fiance is going to interpret my laissez-faire attitude about the wedding as a laissez-faire attitude about him.

I could have written this exact same post myself, down to every detail, with the change of "Hawaii" to "St. Lucia."

*emphatic nodding and flailing* from the lawyer working as an editor for a legal publishing company.

How about "Don't pay $$$ to go to a concert and spend the entire time texting/looking at your phone."

In this picture alone there are two obvious examples.

I see no Diamond Water!


"Get a hobby, lady."

But see, that's just it.

Anecdotally (because I understand that you note you haven't experienced these same pressures), many of us can have a hobby — or six. I certainly do. We can have multiple advanced degrees; spend our weekends teaching adult literacy, adopting rescue animals, and organizing

First, apologies for replying on an old post, but I just happened to see that you'd replied to this comment because I was looking something else up and I thought your comment deserved a reply.

The cheese danish and Fanta crack was an anecdotal crack on my own pre-Paleo diet. Hence, "I'll be happy to go back to


But, but, but!


What I fail to understand is why what someone else eats or doesn't eat annoys or affects you at all?

When and if my body suddenly evolves through the wonders of science and nanotechnology to run most efficiently on cheese danish and Fanta, sign me right up — I'll be happy to go back to subsisting chiefly on processed carbs — but for now I'm just not that evolved to use HFCS as my major source of brain fuel. So sorry.

Servers/restaurant staff not being respectful of a diner's eating restrictions, whether fad diet or medically necessary, is not in any way the fault of, by your characterization, a bunch of skinny-jean-wearing gluten-hating poseurs. It is insensitivity and misunderstanding on the part of the server/restaurant/food