Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

Why the F is he still having rallies? Do the trumpers not realize that’s odd?

Im sure Paul Ryan will finally end up getting those tax cuts for the super wealthy that is literally his only goal in life. Because no one in this country suffers like the billionaires.

omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it

I’m ok with Nazi-punching.

If you’d left with the just first part, your point would have been clear - the second part of what you were saying ultimately confused the issue.

High five!

hmm, paranoia + persecution complex + massive unchecked power. What could go wrong guys?

Bankruptcy court here we come!

seems that way.

A robot is played by a white person. How can anyone possibly enjoy it knowing that Calculon is currently out of work?

oh look! lots of people judging a movie before they’ve even watched it.

I’m still making my way through this, but I call red herring!

I hope the short-term ratings boost was worth it, Rachel =\

I’m not going to lie, I’d be pretty stoked about $200K. The idea of making $418K a day is making my head spin a little. What the hell do you even spend it on? Where does it go? Do you dive into piles like Scrooge McDuck?

Don’t answer. I don’t really want to know.

Excellent trolling sir! I believe your idea of the shared position is overly broad and is not worded correctly to reflect the nuanced nature of your initial paragraph.

This fuckin’ guy.

Suppressors are still loud as fuck, especially with supersonic ammo. Real life isn’t Splinter Cell. Gun control works when it better prevents people who shouldnt have guns from getting them, not so much by line-item banning specific features; all that does is make people feel better. Whether or not a semi auto rifle

I agree, there is distrust on both sides, but I don’t put the push for gun silencers and tax breaks for the rich on an equal level with the push for basic needs like food and housing. There’s no moral equivalency. Hence, the reason I don’t feel so bad about being assholish to right wingers who feel they aren’t getting

I did. And I reviewed it again, just to make sure I didn’t miss something the first six times I read it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t change a single thing.

Well I don’t think it’s as much about not trusting people as it is about seeing the full impact of the laws/worst-case scenario. I guess i was assuming that you think lawmakers are being paranoid and I don’t feel that way (at least not in those examples) But perhaps I’m misinterpreting!