Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

Together we stand, yo.

And racism! Lot’s of anti-caucasian racism! Mmmmm, yummy, and socially acceptable too!

24,000,000 / 323,127,513 = 7.4%. (see US census data)


I agree with you. The comparisons are not equal. My point was that AMERICANS DON’T SEEM TO TRUST ONE ANOTHER. Hell, we can’t even, apparently, make a statement without fighting about it.

I thought that much was clear in my use of the words “Need” and “Want”. I agree with you. You’ve missed my point.

Somebody needs reading comprehension lessons.

Me too! It’s cheaper over at Amazon.

Better watch out. The herd doesn’t like actual, logical thought.

Are you sure? If nobody’s buying their “product” and there’s no need to do it, then why won’t it go the way of the pension?

I was just trying to share an observation. Everyone has too many feelings on the internet.

“cost gets passed...”ON to the County for payment, thus driving up taxes.

So, if nobody buys health insurance, then has the market shot themselves in the foot with Trumpcare?

I’m with you. The left is clearly supporting basic human needs, while the right is always about the luxuries of the well-to-do. Silencers are retarded. Literally, they retard sound waves, but also they’re a stupid thing for a government to propose. No good will come of it. Apparently, the GOP doesn’t play a lot of

You too.

No, I’m not. I’m comparing responses to opposition from either side and noticing their clear distrust of one another. If you’ll extract your feelings from it, you might be able to wrap your head around it.

I don’t disagree with you; at all. But, that’s not the point that I was making.