
Which parts are his illness and which parts are his public persona, can YOU differentiate between the TWO?

Which one is it? Is he mentally ill or is his behaviour a series of calculated actions designed to elicit a specific response? If it's both I kinda feel like that makes him a bigger asshole, no?

He's got a point, for everyone jumping to his defense now that he's "finally" cracked there have been an equal amount of people saying that he was off for years but were dismissed as haters who couldn't recognize his brillance or some shit. He's chosen to be a public personality, he's chosen to let his ego and illness

Ah, everybody was juiced, you can, bet your soul
They did the boogie-woogie, with a steady roll
They meth around
They doin' the meth around
They doin' the meth around,
Everybody doin' the meth around

Haters gonna say its fake.

Unfeeling monsters! We should all be so lucky.

Fred Durst love Russia too, so there's that

I would venture that being within heavy breathing distance of Trump qualifies as distress

Man, you weren't kiddin', that WAS off-topic!

Definitely see the Fallon influence - he giggles mid sketch nearly as much. For some reason it doesn't bother me as much as when Fallon did it though.

"And She'll Have… NUN OF THAT" - wait, that's a real movie

"Not on your life, my Hindu friend."

Lighten up, Gladys.

Well it could be the leaker didn't want any of the republican candidates to win and has been waiting to release it when it could do the most damage to Trump. Or, they didn't think he ever had a shot of winning the nomination and didn't want to rish their job and NBC's wrath by leaking it then. Or, it was just some

To say nothing of the fact that he was 59 years old at the time and not like, 9.

Holy crap, I cant believe no one (as far as I know) has made this joke before. Well-friggin-done

Godamnit why isn't this top comment?!

I wasn't talking about you specifically dude.

Disney and Marvel are still American companies correct? The decision to remove the references to Tibet came from executives at Disney and Marvel, so that they could market the film to the a Chinese. So basically, they kind of - the quote my man Clint Eastwood - "pussied out"

I did. I wasn't talking about his performance though. I'm talking about his direction, his character arc, his "wisdom" to Thao (Here's a wrench you slant eyed, zipperhead). I already spent a lot of time explaining it so either you agree and that's that, or you think it was a particularly elegant portrayl of racism and