Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
Here is the thing. When people attempt to have a real conversation about things that matter to them, it usually means that they spend the time to form well reasoned arguments. Additionally, if they're really good p, they include evidence to support those ideas.
That is fine. We can just assume that you're not really interested in understanding anyone else's point of view, and simply interested in your own voice.
I have been reading your responses here, and I have to say that I am a tad confused. You continuously mention that this show is made for little girls, and therefore you find it odd that anyone who is not a little girl, would enjoy it (specifically older males).
Continue to comment as though this person is an object.
This happened to George W. as well, ya?
Just for fun.... Take all the comments written in response to this article, then imagine that the images above were replaced with a woman. Then, read the comments again. Then, for extra fun, re-read the comments again, but imagine they were all written by men.
Ok. I understand.
I think we can move on, now that we've established you're not worth addressing any further. Good luck.
I know you don't care what I think. However, I think for the sake of everyone else I will simply say that for someone who has such extensive experience with all the things you listed, it seems odd to me that you would resort to using those exact tactics to dismiss arguments by others.
Or, are you saying that your…
I have to ask. Are you a racist?
Trust me, little boys love dressing up as much as any little girl. That is the problem is that we have these gender stereotypes that tell is otherwise.
Sounds awesome! I'm sure some little boys would love to make Princess warrior that knocks people over with singing like Skyrim. :)
I agree. I have never liked these commercials (I can't say much about the actual toys other than they look pretty terrible).
awww....I never saw the original post. I would have submitted mine.
Mmmhmm...I think we're done here. Thanks for the opinions.
I never said you did. I'm glad we agree that Leia is awesome, and more space princesses would be as well. :)
Simple....Leia was and still is, an awesome character.
"Just because women like something doesn't mean that it can't be sexist or it can't be problematic to women, or it can't be primarily a boys fantasy. Also as that article stated when the original Star Wars movies where released it was understood to be primarily a boys fantasy and to a certain extent it still kind of…
Remember when Han and Leia were attempting to hotwire the door to the Imperial bunker? She was shot in the arm, and two Stormtroopers have them cornered. She double shoots them. If it weren't for her the mission would have failed. R2 was out of commission, and Chewie was off trying to secure an AT-ST.
Also, the…